Christopher Peplin
Write database migrations for map com...
was created by Christopher Peplin
Friday Sep 03
ticket - Write database migrations for technic... was created by Christopher Peplin 06:45 PM ticket
- Write tests for storage devices was created by Christopher Peplin 06:45 PM ticket
- Write tests for lines was created by Christopher Peplin 06:45 PM ticket
- Write tests for generators was created by Christopher Peplin 06:44 PM ticket
- Write tests for map objects was created by Christopher Peplin 06:44 PM ticket
Choose map generation algorithmwas updated by Christopher Peplin 04:40 PM ticket - Choose map generation algorithm was updated by Christopher Peplin 04:23 PM ticket
Design workflow and data models for growing the regionwas updated by Christopher Peplin 04:03 PM ticket -
Design contract parameters and data modelwas updated by Christopher Peplin 03:14 PM ticket