Threephase: Apollo 7
UI non-JS
Closed Tickets
✔ #128
Show average historical MP over time for both Game and Stateno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #144
Update display of time scale to reflect new 1-200 scaleno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #127
Graph marginal cost of generator over timeno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #123
Graph of generator's average operating level operating level over timeno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #143
Discount capital costs if in RoR regulationno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #111
Leaving a game should delete the stateleave state ✓resolved -
✔ #146
Add nickname to Gameno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #78
Add sensible page titles to all views using page title helpertitle views ✓resolved -
✔ #147
Implement switch game buttonno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #138
Warn user if capacity doesn't meant loadno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #86
Formulate integral to compute total costno tags ✓invalid -
✔ #97
Pay out customer payments based on demand * MC intersectionno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #129
Use Game's time_since method everywhere time delta is usedno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #142
Display game time on web pageno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #140
Before save on all models (and before create), set updated_at/created_at_game_timeno tags ✓invalid -
✔ #141
Change find_by_day to use game time attributeno tags ✓invalid -
✔ #145
Change MC curve to actually be AC curveno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #109
Drop average cap, generators should have only a peak capacityno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #150
Rename game to 'country' in viewsno tags ✓wontfix -
✔ #151
Link the header bar state URL to state & map viewno tags ✓resolved
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